Marlon Familton, MA LMHC
1601 116th Ave NE, Ste. 102
Bellevue, WA  98004
Better Mental Health You can empower yourself to control your own life!

Free Yourself, Empower Yourself


Change Your Thinking, Change your Choices, Change Your Life

Beliefs create your thoughts, which generate emotions, which lead to urges or impulses, which become actions.  It is those actions (along with habits) that create your results in life.  Your thoughts create your reality, so the thoughts you think matter.  What if you do not like your reality but continue to think negative self-defeating thoughts? What if you do not like who you are or how you behave and, you think those negative thoughts about yourself?  You become what you think about.  yet, transformation is possible.  If you are clear about your intention and take action, transformation is inevitable.  This program will start you on a clear and intentional path of transformation.

You will never outperform your own thoughts and beliefs about yourself.

Over the few pages I am going to teach you how to reprogram your brain step by step and learn to focus effectively on what you want in life. Whether you want to be less reactive, focus on healing or better health, or attract something or someone into your life, I will help you create a program to change your thoughts from negative or self sabotaging to positive and more effective habitual thinking. I will share tools to manage emotions, help you focus your thoughts and empower you to take control of your brain and your life so that you can create the life you want and find the happiness you seek.  It takes work, it takes intention, and it takes consistency, but it will work if you apply yourself.

"Who are we going to rehearse ourselves to be every morning?  Can you rehearse in the morning your greatest ideal self and activate those circuits?  As you rehearse those ideals for yourself and activate those circuits, won’t they be the platform for who you become? You can’t get anything in life you aren’t wired for first."

        - Dr. Joe Dispenza

In this program we will go through the following steps:

  1. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping) to clear out negative thoughts and feelings
  2. Guided Meditation to help you increase self awareness & increase your ability to stay calm
  3. Feel Grateful to be happier and bring more to be grateful for - and a tool to flip to calmness
  4. Positive affirmations to help focus your subconscious mind on what you want to create
  5. A vision to facilitate your ability to envision what you want in your life

“If you believe that your intention allows you to make choices, then if you are clear on your intention and clear on your purpose, you will always make the choice for yourself that is not the common choice because the common choice will lead you back to the old self.”

- Dr. Joe Dispenza           

As an intro to get you started, here is a video from Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of Evolve Your Brain, on changing your brain. In this 8 min video he talks about the importance of meditation and mental rehearsal in the process of change.

I will also share some other powerful videos out there on the internet to help you learn why this program works and how your brain was programmed in the first place. The more you can understand how and why this works, the more confidence you will have and hopefully, the more committed you become.  I hope you will give this a try and share the results.  Okay, let's get started!


Step 1 - EFT Tapping

Step 2 - Meditation

Step 3 - Gratitude

Step 4 - Affirmations

Step 5 - Visualizations

Step 6 - Putting it all together